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natural cosmetics


Cosmetics developed with ingredients extracted from natural plant extracts

Refers to cosmetics developed from ingredients extracted from natural plant extracts.


 👈     Introduction✔

Natural cosmetics refer to cosmetics developed from ingredients extracted from natural plant extracts. Natural plants refer to all agricultural and sideline products that come from the natural agricultural production system, are produced and processed according to international natural agricultural production requirements and corresponding standards, and are certified by independent natural certification agencies, including grain, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, poultry Products, honey, aquatic products, seasonings, cosmetics and even natural food, textiles, forest products, biological pesticides, natural fertilizers, etc., are collectively referred to as natural products. It is natural planting in the original ecological soil that has not been polluted by pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and grows in the most natural way, and never uses artificial synthetic compounds, chemical fertilizers, and genetically modified technologies during the growth process, and does not use any chemical fertilizers in the processing and production process. Any synthetic chemical ingredients. The entire process from processing, production and packaging is in line with the principles of environmental protection and health. International standard natural certification requires an independent third-party certification body to review the whole process from planting, processing, manufacturing, to finished product wholesale every year. If the land has been treated with chemical fertilizers, in order to achieve natural soil, no chemical fertilizers have been used within 7 years and it must be certified by an authority to be considered natural. If the soil has been treated with DDT, it will take 30 years for the pollution to be decomposed, so there are very few natural soil environments in the world.

👈    conceptp✔

Natural cosmetics: In addition to the plant ingredients contained in natural skin care products, they must be composed of natural plant extracts that have obtained natural certification. The products cannot add artificial flavors, pigments, and petrochemical products that are harmful to the skin. All preservatives and surfactants must be strictly restricted, and animal experiments and radiation sterilization cannot be used in the manufacturing process, and its formula and process are very complicated. In addition, it is also necessary to provide consumers with full ingredient labeling and correct information, whether the ingredients are biodegradable or not, environmental protection and recycling of packaging, and the social welfare and responsibility of manufacturers are all within the scope of regulations.

If the raw materials of cosmetics are classified, they can be roughly divided into: chemical skin care products (used daily), natural skin care products, and natural cosmetics. It can be said that natural products must be pure natural, but pure natural products may not qualify as natural! In other words, pure natural products are far worse than natural products. Because naturally there is an "ID card".

Just like the "Green Food" logo can only be obtained after strict verification by relevant agencies, the title of "Natural" also needs to go through numerous certifications. Generally speaking, "natural cosmetics" are more refined in concept and quality than "pure natural skin care products". Because it has strict restrictions on the raw materials of skin care products, it is required that natural raw materials are not affected by genetic mutations and artificial chemical additions in the environment (such as soil) and process of cultivation, growth, extraction, and production, and must be obtained by natural certification. Composed of natural plant extracts. The production process of natural skin care products is subject to very strict supervision, and the proportion of natural ingredients contained in products needs to be listed, which will become a reliable basis for customers when purchasing.

In addition, there are two levels of natural cosmetics: "Natural" and "Certified Natural". The cultivation process complies with natural requirements; and the latter needs to be strictly determined by professional organizations to determine the percentage content of its natural ingredients (the certification standards of various countries are not uniform, the lowest content is 10%, but it is not a natural cosmetic, and it is required that the natural ingredients be at least 70% % or more, the most stringent requirement is that 95% of the finished product is natural ingredients). "Certified Natural" is a high-level natural product category.

Here it is necessary to say that both OFC and USDA use four natural levels of representation:

       1. 100% natural certification: made of 100% natural ingredients;

       2. Natural certification: made of at least 95% natural ingredients;

       3. Made of natural ingredients: at least 70% natural ingredients, no GMO (genetically modified ingredients)

        4. Containing natural ingredients on the label: products containing less than 70% natural ingredients can be indicated on the packaging, but the product cannot be labeled as a natural product on the front of the packaging. But many cosmetic companies often fish in troubled waters on this issue, glorifying their products as natural products.

So when choosing a truly natural product, choose the highest standard of natural products.

If "natural" is just a noun, it is better to say that it is a new skin care trend. It is very similar to the popular "Lohas" concept. "Natural care" tends to "improve skin quality with natural methods" , it uses various effective means to enhance the natural protective function of the skin, promote the self-repair and renewal of the skin, so that the skin becomes healthier and more beautiful. What it represents is not just a product, but a brand-new concept of skin beauty.


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